Posts Tagged ‘sex’

GOP’s Bachmann zings heckler at health-care town hall

August 29, 2009

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., gave health-care town hall attendees in Lake Elmo, Minn., not only something to think about in her comments condemning President Obama’s government health-care plan, but also something to smile over when she zinged a heckler with an impromptu remark that elicited uproarious laughter from the crowd.

Bachmann had been arguing, “I would far prefer to have American medical care than I would health care in the U.K. any day of the week,” a comment which brought cheers and applause from the approximately 400 who squeezed into a junior high school auditorium to hear her speak, with another roughly 400 watching via closed-circuit in the school’s cafeteria.

‘I’ve given birth here probably more times than you, sir’

Kennedy ‘joked about Chappaquiddick’

August 29, 2009

Biographer reveals deadly incident was a ‘favorite topic of humor’

One of Sen. Ted Kennedy’s favorite topics of humor was the incident at Chappaquiddick Island, Mass., in 1969 in which he drove off a bridge and left behind a 28-year-old woman who drowned, according to a biographer who reminisced about the iconic Democrat on a Washington, D.C., talk show this morning.

Edward Klein, speaking to WAMU guest host Katty Kay, said one of Kennedy’s “favorite topics of humor was, indeed, Chappaquiddick.”

“He would ask people, ‘Have you heard any new jokes about Chappaquiddick?'” said Klein, a former Newsweek foreign editor and former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine.


Obamacare activists to crash D.C.’s massive tea party?

August 29, 2009

Obamacare activists to crash D.C.’s massive tea party?

Health ‘reform’ advocates organize ‘well-funded’ counterattack for next day

Posted: August 28, 2009
12:35 am Eastern

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Just as thousands of taxpayers from across the nation are planning to descend on Washington, D.C., to take their fight against excessive spending, bailouts, growth of big government and soaring deficits to the front door of the U.S. Capitol – “Obamacare” proponents have responded with a well-funded counterattack scheduled for the following day.

In a major movement unaffiliated with – but inspired by – Fox News’ Glenn Beck’s 9-12 Project, called the National Taxpayer Protest, thousands of Americans are answering the call and booking travel arrangements to make their voices heard at Capitol Hill on Sept. 12.


Schwarzenegger wants your ‘thoughts’ on ‘gay’ day

August 29, 2009

Schwarzenegger wants your ‘thoughts’ on ‘gay’ day
Harvey Milk dubbed ‘sexual predator,’ ‘public liar’ while lawmakers seek to honor him

“Harvey Milk was a notorious sexual predator, advocated multiple sexual relationships at the same time, was a public liar and is in no way a good role model for children,” Thomasson said.

Thomasson noted that Randy Shilts, a homosexual San Francisco Chronicle reporter, wrote a favorable and telling biography of Milk called “The Mayor of Castro Street.” Thomasson delivered copies of pages in the 1982 book to members of the California Assembly today. The book describes Milk’s sexual relationships with a 16-year-old, a 19-year-old and other young men. The following are some passages in the book:

  • “…sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure. … At thirty-three, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him.” (Pages 30-31)
  • “It would be to such boyish-looking men in their late teens and early twenties that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life.” (Page 24)
  • “Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems.” (Page 180)
  • “Harvey confided one night that at twenty-four, Doug was the oldest man Harvey had ever started an affair with.” (Page 237)

Shilts chronicles Milk’s affairs with teenagers and young men. According to one passage cited by SaveCalifornia, Milk explained to his lover why he should be allowed to have multiple relationships simultaneously:

As homosexuals, we can’t depend on the heterosexual model. … We grew up with the heterosexual model, but we don’t have to follow it. We should be developing our own life-style. There’s no reason why you can’t love more than one person at a time. You don’t have to love them all the same. You love some less, love some more – and always be honest with everybody about where you’re at. They in turn can do the same thing and it can open up a bigger sphere. (Pages 237-238)


State could take custody of teen homeschooler

August 29, 2009

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A critical hearing is scheduled in Germany in that nations’ war against homeschoolers to determine whether a family can continue to control the education of its high-performing son, 14.

According to Joel Thornton of the International Human Rights Group, the court hearing Sept. 22 is for Hans and Petra Schmidt, who live in Southern Bavaria.

From their home, the Schmidts have taught their children, Josua and Aaron, for nine years. Josua, 16, recently finished tests documenting his completion of all the requirements of the schooling system, but the fight remains over the future schooling for Aaron, who has been tested as performing at high academic levels, Thornton said.

“This hearing is to determine whether the Schmidts keep the legal custody of their one child remaining in school or have the court take that custody and give it to the Youth Welfare Office,” Thornton said.

Part 1. Citizens angered at marathon public hearing for “transgender” bill — and over 200 other bills

August 26, 2009
July 29, 2009

The July 14 “transgender bill” hearing brought out the Massachusetts homosexual & transgender movement’s political propaganda machine in force. From moonbat state reps to lesbian lawyers “explaining’ the law, they were there to testify. And an army of men in dresses and a few women with beards came to give their “personal” stories.

New Documentary “Blood Money” Seeks to Expose the Abortion Business

August 26, 2009

By Matt Anderson

August 25, 2009 ( – A group of filmmakers have recently filmed a documentary that aims to expose the terrible reality of abortion, focusing on the financial aspect of the multimillion dollar abortion industry.

The film, entitled “Blood Money,” includes numerous interviews with leaders of the pro-life movement, in which they lay out the facts about the abortion industry and the effects that abortions have on women.

The film covers a variety of issues, including “Roe V. Wade, Planned Parenthood, the scientific fact that life begins at conception, and how abortion affects women who have had one” the director of the film, David K. Kyle, told LSN in an interview today.

The original title of the film had been “The American Holocaust.” However, as filming progressed, the filmmakers found that the business aspect of abortion kept coming to the forefront.

Separate sleeping quarters for ‘gay’ GIs?

August 26, 2009

“G.I. Jane quietly breaks the combat barrier,” reporter Lizette Alvarez notes in her ninth paragraph: “Women need separate bunks and bathrooms.”

I am unaware of even the most militant feminist organizations contending that it is sexual discrimination for our armed forces not to assign any of their minority females to bed down in barracks along with an overwhelming majority of males.

The U.S. Navy’s submarines are also non-co-ed in their being confined to all-male crews. This is understandable given the weeks – and sometimes months – of submarines’ ultra-confinement.

If our armed forces ever begin bunking females in the same barracks with much larger numbers of carnally hungry males, can we imagine how rapidly the recruiting of females would plummet? Not to mention, the rise in pregnancies?

This same question should be applied if Congress ever allows a so-far promising (but still reluctant-to-act) commander in chief to order acceptance into our armed forces of open homosexuals.

President Obama may well have delayed (or forever postponed) any such action. Since more than 1,000 retired generals and admirals expressed their strong and well-reasoned opposition, he may well have been advised – and properly concerned – about what recruitment, and possible promotion to sergeant or officers, of such militant sodomists would do in substantially reducing recruitment of young men and women.

College kids recruited to join Obama’s ‘army’ Earn credit for pushing ‘change,’ working on president’s ‘agenda’

August 26, 2009

President Obama’s army of citizen volunteers is now actively recruiting college students in states across the country to “build support for President Obama’s agenda” – and earn college credit while advocating for “change.”

A phony crisis – and a real one

July 16, 2008

Posted: July 15, 2008
1:00 am Eastern

© 2008

WASHINGTON – Last week, the front pages of the world press blossomed with photos of four Iranian rockets, fired in salvo, heading skyward.

The image was powerful and the message reinforced by the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Should Israel attack Iran, said Ali Shira, Tel Aviv will be “set on fire.”

U.S. reaction was swift and bristling. “Rice Says U.S. Will Defend Gulf,” declared the headline over the AP story that began:

“Condoleezza Rice flexed America’s muscles in the Middle East Thursday, forcefully warning Iran the U.S. won’t ignore threats and will take any action necessary to defend friends and interests in the Persian Gulf. …

“Rice said Iran’s leaders should understand that Washington won’t dismiss provocations from Tehran and has the ability to counter them. ‘I don’t think the Iranians are too confused, either, about the capability and the power of the United States to do exactly that.'”

And what were the results of last week’s missile crisis in the Gulf? Tensions rose, strengthening Tehran’s embattled Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And oil prices shot from $136 a barrel to a record $147.
That $11-a-barrel spike alone translates into $25 million a day in fresh revenue for Ahmadinejad and Co. And as the United States imports 13 million of the 20 million barrels we daily consume, that $11 spike in price translates into $143 million more sucked out of the U.S. economy every day – into the coffers of Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and OPEC.

Can we not see who benefits and who pays for this war talk?

Every day the war drums beat, the mullahs get richer and we get poorer. Which raises the question: Was this mini-missile crisis cooked up by the mullahs to rip off Uncle Sam? For by week’s end it appeared the Americans had been had, big-time.

Saturday’s New York Times reported that that photo of the four Iranian missiles fired in salvo had been doctored.